Ways To Repair Text and Images from Corrupted PDF File

In a digital system, everything gets stored in a file, be it a program, database, directory information, or normal text data. These files can get corrupted or go inaccessible due to variety of reasons: Header damage, virus-attack, bad hard disk sectors etc.
Adobe Acrobat PDF file that is widely adopted as a data-sharing platform over internet and legal affairs, is prone to corruption too. In spite of being developed best of technological algorithms, the PDF file can become inaccessible owing to number of reasons and results in error messages. This is when need for a solution can pop up that can help to repair and recover text and image data from a PDF file.
Suggestions to Repair a PDF File:
- Using Free Online Services
To repair PDF files, there are online services available and that too free of cost. They can be a help to open a corrupt PDF file.
PDF Repair Online
It is a four step procedure to repair PDF file. You can select one PDF file at a time for recovery and once the repair processing is done, the healthy PDF file can be downloaded to system.
Step1) Visit the website (http://www.weenysoft.com/pdf-repair-online.php ) to avail the service.
Step2) Click on “Choose File” button to select the PDF file for repair.
Step3) Click on “Repair Now” button to start the process.
Step4) Click on “Download” button to get the recovered file on system.
- The service is absolutely free and works quite well against some errors.
- Repairing PDF file is simple and does not involves any complications.
- The tool is processed against three PDF file showing different errors. It could work against only one of them. This clearly indicates that it is not suitable for all kind of corruption issues.
- Data can be compromised as there is no option for secure PDF uploading and processing.
Repair PDF File Service
This is also a free service to repair a corrupt PDF file. In just five simple steps, you can have a PDF file that is be easily opened.
Step1) Visit the website to get the service.
Step2) Click on “ChoosE File” to get the PDF file.
Step3) Under PDF Settings, fill in the relevant fields.
Step4) Click on “Repair PDF” button to start processing.
Step5) Hit “Click Here” button to download the recovered file.
- A free service that can effectively deal with errors and corruption problems.
- Absolutely simple to operate and takes less time in uploading and processing.
- The website clearly indicates that PDF file should be or less than 20MB.
- Again, this service worked for two out of three PDF files only.
- No option to securely load and process PDF file for processing.
- Third Party Software
SysTools PDF Recovery will recover data from a corrupt PDF to a healthy PDF file. It is a paid solution that has to be installed into on Windows OS machine.
Step1) In the menu bar, click on “Load PDF” option. Navigate to the volume on system where PDF file is saved.
Step2) Click on “Save PDF” option to save the recovered data into a healthy PDF file.
- The software is tested for eight PDF files showing different errors and data is recovered efficiently.
- No issues related to security breaches and software retains integrity of PDF file and its data.
- PDF file of any size can be added to the tool for recovery. Image and text recovery is assured.
- The software shows a preview of recovered data from PDF before saving it.
As far as quality is concerned, the software works perfectly well but you have to invest 49USD for it.
Here is a brief discussion on what qualities one should look after while choosing a solution that is adopted to get back data from a corrupt PDF file:
#1: No Compromise with Security
As discussed above, PDF files are used for legal and data sharing purpose. There are times when the file might carry confidential data. If some online services are adopted to repair PDF, then make sure there is provision to secure your file data from online breach.
#2: It Should deal with all Types of Errors
File corruption is an unexpected scenario and it can occur in any form. The solution that your choose must be able to cope up with different file inaccessibility scenarios or fix any errors that restricts opening PDF file. A flexible solution is important if you deal with PDF in day-to-day life.
#3: No Changes in Output PDF File
The service or software adopted should not make any changes in text or image data of PDF file. The quality of images should remain same plus every bit of data should be recovered without any harm to integrity (formatting, font color, font size etc).
Once you are clear with what kind of solution you want and what qualities it should hold, making right selection would be an easier task. No matter if a free service is availed or investment is made in a software application, make sure that no compromise with the data is done.